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Posts Tagged ‘abuse’

Raise Self Esteem (quick, easy and effective) #blog

In self esteem on 23. July 2010 at 21:26

Child abuse

In Uncategorized on 21. July 2010 at 17:33

Physical abuse. Physical child abuse occurs when a child is purposefully injured.

Sexual abuse. Sexual child abuse is any sexual activity with a child, including fondling, oral-genital contact, intercourse and exposure to child pornography.

Emotional abuse. Emotional child abuse includes verbal and emotional assault — such as continually belittling or berating a child — as well as isolating, ignoring or rejecting a child.

Neglect. Child neglect is failure to provide adequate food, shelter, affection, supervision or medical care.

Most child abuse is inflicted by someone the child knows and trusts, often a parent or other relative. If you suspect child abuse, report the abuse to the proper authorities.

via Child abuse.

Catholic Church must name abusive priests, critic insists

In self esteem on 19. July 2010 at 04:42

New Vatican new rules aimed at stopping the abuse of children by priests do not go far enough, child-safety campaigners said Thursday.

“The pope had a chance to do something really decisive that would affect the situation worldwide,” said Anne Barrett Doyle, but instead issued rules that are the equivalent of “bringing a child’s sand shovel to an avalanche.”

The new regulations give the pope the authority to defrock a priest without a formal Vatican trial, or to hand out other punishments.

They also make it a crime for a priest to download child pornography, and declare the abuse of mentally handicapped people to be as bad as child abuse.

via Catholic Church must name abusive priests, critic insists – This Just In – Blogs.